Cereria Molla Collection

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    Cereria Molla – Black Orchid & Lily Refill 500ml

    A complex fragrance that captivates us with its green and fruity notes, Black Orchid & Lily adds an elegant touch of light and joy to any environment. Black Orchid & Lily transports us to the beginning of spring with its natural scent of freshly cut flowers. This fragrance envelops any environment with the magnetism of orchid and lily and offers delicious fruity touches of tangerine and apricot. Undoubtedly, the perfect combination to awaken and fill any environment with optimism.

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    Cereria Molla – Bulgarian Rose & Oud Refill 500ml

    A sweet, floral and velvety fragrance, Bulgarian Rose & Oud is a natural and soft aroma that adds sophistication and comfort to any environment. The dark Damascus rose, rich and velvety, is wrapped in smoky Oud wood. Bulgarian Rose & Oud is a hug in the middle of the night.

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    Cereria Molla – Mediterranean Blue Refill 500ml

    A stimulating and elegant contrast, its aroma allows us to travel to the heart of the Mediterranean Sea where a fragrance bathed in white flowers and citrus drops captivates us. Mediterranean Blue is a vacation you never want to end.

    Rattan rods included, refills available.

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    Cereria Molla – Moroccan Cedar Diffuser 100ml

    Moroccan Cedar is a mid-afternoon tea in the middle of the desert. An addictive and captivating fragrance of spicy, woody and sweet mixtures make it unique. Moroccan Cedar takes us to the African Mediterranean where the Arabian courtyards envelop us with their characteristic aroma of spicy and musky cedar wood and a sweet oriental background.

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    Cereria Molla – Moroccan Cedar Refill 500ml

    Moroccan Cedar is a mid-afternoon tea in the middle of the desert. An addictive and captivating fragrance of spicy, woody and sweet mixtures make it unique. Moroccan Cedar takes us to the African Mediterranean where the Arabian courtyards envelop us with their characteristic aroma of spicy and musky cedar wood and a sweet oriental background.

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    Cereria Molla – Provence Lavender Refill 500ml

    Fields of lavender from Provence, known as “Blue Gold”, in a harmonious dance with the citrusy freshness of lemongrass gives us Provence Lavender. Provence Lavender brings us closer to the Mediterranean breeze and its fusion with lemongrass takes us to the center of a dreamy landscape, surrounded by nature.

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    Cereria Molla – Velvet Wood Refill 500ml

    An explosive combination of spicy and aromatic chords where spices merge with lavender to achieve an extreme and deep mix. Tobacco brings masculinity to the composition. Vanilla softens the tobacco tones in the base and adds a comfortable note to the fragrance. The naturalness of aromatic spices create a deep and warm atmosphere. Velvet Wood, with tobacco and vanilla touches, transports us to a comfortable space that makes us feel at home.

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    Cereria Molla – Ginger & Orange Blossom Diffuser 500ml

    One of our three Gold Edition fragrances, Ginger & Orange Blossom is personality, strength and elegance. With a sparkling and cheerful opening, the citrus notes mix with the sensuality of a bouquet of white blossoms, with the elegance of noble woods leading the pack. A fragrance that does not go unnoticed, Ginger & Orange Blossom adds a touch of color and stands out for its ability to dress any room.

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    Cereria Molla – Tobacco & Amber Diffuser 500ml

    One of our three Gold Edition fragrances, Tobacco & Amber is a dreamy rendezvous. Composed of exotic ginger and tobacco from India, combined with fresh citrus notes and velvety lavender chords, Tobacco & Amber is a soft, oriental-inspired fragrance that transports us to the heart of India.

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    Cereria Molla – Amber & Sandalwood Candle 3500g

    Amber & Sandalwood takes us to the heart of Egypt, where the creaminess of sandalwood meets the sensuality of cedar. The fruity nuances of bergamot give it a sparkling touch capable of captivating any space. A spicy aromatic essence accompanied by a fresh citrus finish, its sweet musky smell and a slight touch of wood, sweeten all the rooms in your home.

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    Cereria Molla – Bergamotto Di Calabria Candle 3500g

    Bergamotto di Calabria’s aroma brings us to the island of Calabria. Its slightly fruity nuances and its fusion with the warmth of Mysore sandalwood, tied with notes of cardamom and limeta make it a fresh, energizing and stimulating fragrance that invites you to feel the Mediterranean breeze.

    Rattan rods included, refills available.

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    Cereria Molla – Black Orchid & Lily Candle 3500g

    A complex fragrance that captivates us with its green and fruity notes, Black Orchid & Lily adds an elegant touch of light and joy to any environment. Black Orchid & Lily transports us to the beginning of spring with its natural scent of freshly cut flowers. This fragrance envelops any environment with the magnetism of orchid and lily and offers delicious fruity touches of tangerine and apricot. Undoubtedly, the perfect combination to awaken and fill any environment with optimism.

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    Cereria Molla – Bulgarian Rose & Oud Candle 3500g

    A sweet, floral and velvety fragrance, Bulgarian Rose & Oud is a natural and soft aroma that adds sophistication and comfort to any environment. The dark Damascus rose, rich and velvety, is wrapped in smoky Oud wood. Bulgarian Rose & Oud is a hug in the middle of the night.

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    Cereria Molla – Fig & Citrus Candle 3500g

    Fig & Citrus is freshness, light and happiness. It’s a mix of citrusy and creamy notes that take us to an awakening of nature. Fig & Citrus invades us with essence and well-being.

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    Cereria Molla – Ginger & Orange Blossom Candle 3500g

    One of our three Gold Edition fragrances, Ginger & Orange Blossom is personality, strength and elegance. With a sparkling and cheerful opening, the citrus notes mix with the sensuality of a bouquet of white blossoms, with the elegance of noble woods leading the pack. A fragrance that does not go unnoticed, Ginger & Orange Blossom adds a touch of color and stands out for its ability to dress any room.

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